Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Twenty Thirteen

Twenty Thirteen. {2013}. I can't believe it. Life has gotten away from me in the past few months.

I am ready to take on the new year. I usually don't make new years resolutions because I have a really hard time sticking to them. As much of a planner as I am, I usually end up flying by the seat of my pants and just kind of rolling with the punches.

However, this year I am seeing goals for myself:
Live with intention each and every day.
Take time for myself each day {whether that's through taking some time to blog, work on projects/crafts, work out, etc.}
Work on saying "no" to people/things.
Get and stay organized {bills, school work, and around the house}.

I hope that writing these things down will be a good reminder and motivator to stick to them. The last thing on my list is one word that I really hope will describe 2013 for me. I need to simplify my priorities and not take on so much like I have in the past. I need to get rid of 'stuff' in order to make an organized, happy home. Most importantly I need to take time for myself each day and not lose sight of my needs in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Now that the major house renovations are wrapped up, I can't wait to spend some time purging/cleaning/organizing and I am looking forward to having a big 'ol garage sale in the spring. Less IS more.

I can't write this post without taking sometime to reflect on 2012, a year with plenty of ups and downs. It was a big year! Some of the mentionables:
Renovated my house with a ton of help from my whole family, and finally moved in!
Earned my B.S. degree from the University of Nebraska.
Became a mama to my puppy, Emma.

Some of the things I am looking forward to most in 2013:
Submitting my application for nursing school (and hopefully starting the program).
Vacation to Mexico with one of my best friends from college.
Making lots of new memories with family and friends.

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